Mechanical Mesenchymal Stem Cell Proliferation

If whole-body-vibration encourages stem cell proliferation, then… Wow, this is massively anti-aging.

Study published in 2009: Luu YK, Capilla E, Rosen C, Gilsanz V, Pessin JE, Judex, Rubin CT, (2009) Mechanical stimulation of mesenchymal stem cell proliferation and differentiation promotes osteogenesis while preventing dietary-induced obesity.

Key words: #mesenchymal stem cells, #osteoblasts, #osteoporosis, #adipocytes, #obesity, #adipogenesis, #osteoblastogenesis

Now, I’m not saying that WBV tech does increase in vivo mesenchymal stem cells But this study claims that EXTREMELY LOW (like less than 0.5G’s) body-vibration really does this.  It’s hard to believe.  But could be true.

If I keep looking like early-30s when I’m 50, then I will accept that this is true LOL.  Now, I’m just about to turn 40, so it could be accidental.

The guy claims (at 1:45 in this youtube video) it’s “an invention”, however WBV tech has been around for decades.  Their machine is said to adjust to your body weight, to maintain intensity within this “small therapeutic window, around 0.4g acceleration” — HOW was this therapeutic window determined?  It’s laughable the BS people will come up with to derive a selling-point for their patented products.

On their website, they use 0.4G’s at 30Hz and it’s measured, apparently on the body, according to their graphic:

However, the most important medical study they reference uses half that, 0.2G’s at 90Hz on live rats, then dissect the rats and extract stem cells and related markers (e.g. serum levels of osteopontin) to determine that low intensity vibration is actually increasing stem cells.

In my opinion, (and I’m not a medical researcher, just a mechanical engineer) this intensity is SO LOW, that it could be replaced by walking (although that’s a very low impact frequency). Thus, why did their control group versus LMMS group show extreme percent changes?

While the study admits this low impact mechanical stimulation (LMMS) is massively “below peak strains generated during strenuous activity”.  Thus, these VERY SIGNIFICANT percent changes are really amazing, when you think about how slight the impact vibration is.

Mechanical enhancement of stem cell proliferation and differentiation in DIO
Beginning at 7 wk of age, C57BL/6J male mice were given free access to a high-fat diet (45% kcal fat, 58V8; Research Diet, Richmond, IN, USA). The mice were randomized into two groups, defined as LMMS (5 d/wk of 15 min/d of a 90-Hz, 0.2g peak acceleration mechanical signal, where 1.0g is earth’s gravitational field) and placebo sham controls (CON). The LMMS protocol(24) provides low-magnitude, high-frequency mechanical signals by a vertically oscillating platform,(25) and for this acceleration and frequency generates less than five microstrain [huh? five what?] in bone tissue, several orders of magnitude below peak strains generated during strenuous activity.(23,26)

Isn’t it interesting that this study cites a full disclosure of personal financial interest by pretty much all those involved, as “Footnotes” rather than “Full Disclosure”……

Drs Luu, Pessin, Judex, and Rubin have submitted a series of provisional patents to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office regarding the method and application of the technology. Dr Rubin is a founder of and consultant for Juvent Medical and is an inventor of the technology investigated herein, and both he and the company may benefit from the results of this research. No other authors state that they have conflicts of interest.

My Conclusion:

It would be wonderful if Whole Body Vibration, at a high or low impact and whatever frequency DID IN FACT INCREASE mesenchymal stem cells.  Because,
#1 Stem Cell Therapy is extremely anti-aging.
#2 Mesenchymal therapies, injections, etc, are still extremely expensive.

I just can’t trust a study funded and operated by these guys because they’re obviously searching for results that benefit themselves financially.  Conflict of interest, anyone?  BUT THAT DOESN’T MEAN THEIR RESEARCH ISN’T VALID. Just less than trustworthy.  Needs more money for more studies, and impartial operators.

Intensity so low in this study, and the LMMS machine they “invented” will not cause any of the immediate observable benefits from my machine, or Bulletproof Vibe, or Power Plate which are only about 5 or 10% less intense than Vibratation.

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