Progesterone Imbalance (you probably need more)


Symptoms of Progesterone Imbalance Look Very Similar to Testosterone Imbalance:

  • Decreased or lack of energy
  • Thinning and dry hair
  • Thinning of bones or bone loss
  • Decrease in  libido or sex drive
  • Difficulty in sexual arousal with weaker erections
  • Cognitive concerns
  • Weight gain

Source article,

The article goes on about testing for Progesterone Imbalance.  In my opinion this isn’t necessary.  Just buy a bottle of bio-identical progesterone cream and be aware of any effects.  Particularly energy throughout the day, and sexual function.  If you’re reading this far it’s probably because you’re over 30 and you’ve noticed some unpleasant effects of age.  The right amount of progesterone is probably going to be GREAT for you.  Self experimentation. Not too much. Not too little. Maybe not using it every day.  For this basic thing that helps most people, I wouldn’t waste my time and money on a doctor visit to test for progesterone activity.

It’s almost guaranteed that you’re going to benefit from it.  And a doctor won’t know how much you need nor how often.  It’s on you to experiment to learn that — even if you paid for a doc’s time.

Search Amazon or whatever shop for “organic progesterone cream” like this:

You might raise an eyebrow when the product says “feminine balance therapy.” Well, men benefit from a little progesterone just like women  benefit from a little testosterone.  Try it.