Seriously NEXT-LEVEL Energy: Testosterone Gel + Maca Powder

For the past few months I’ve been alternating two-weeks between my usual routine of 25mg testosterone gel every 2 or 3 days WITH AND WITHOUT the addition of 1 table spoon of Maca Powder every day.

The result was obvious: I can’t go back to only taking one or the other, the combination is so over-the-top youthful energy restoring.

I had tried maca powder about 8 years ago at age 32 and didn’t notice any benefit.  It tastes bad, so I stopped after a few 1-pound bags of the organic brown powder.

Nearly a decade later and about 5 years of consistent testosterone (gel) use and daily use of progesterone for the past 2 years, a friend reminded me about maca.  Now, feeling like I’m 25 (disclosure: I’m 40 lol).

Back to the opening line about alternating between these: I tried using only maca (and always progesterone of course) and stopping testosterone. Bad idea. After a week I felt like a zombie, just missing that high energy sharpness even though the maca keeps working well, taking both together is far better than either one alone.